Jurists’ Lecture Room Series One:Development of and Reflection on the Criminal Defense System


Title: Development of and Reflection on the Criminal Defense System

Lecturer: Prof. Chan Ruihua

Date &Time: 6 pm.,Wednesday, Sept 25, 2019

Venue: Lecture Hall, Yifu Building, Yanshan Campus, SDUFE

Hosted by: Law School

About the lecturer:

Chan Ruihua, Professor and Doctoral Mentor of Law School at Peking University, Chairman of Law School Academic Committee of Peking University, Professor of the Yangtze River Scholars Program specially appointed by the Ministry of Education, Executive Director of China Law Society.

His main research areas relate to criminal procedural law, evidence law, judicial system, and theories of procedural law.

Prof. Chan is the laureate of “Top 10 Outstanding Middle-aged and Young Jurists” of China Law Society, nominee of “New Century Talents Project”, and recipient of special State Council allowance.

He has composed nearly twenty works, represented byThe Original Theory of Criminal Trial, Frontier Issues of Criminal Procedure, Theoretical Issues of Criminal Evidence Law, China Mode in Criminal Procedure, Experiences From China’s Judicial Reform, On Methodology of Law, Theory of Procedural justice, and Theory of Procedural Sanction, etc.


School address:

5th and 6th floor, No.4 Teaching Building, Yanshan campus, Shandong University of Finance and Economics
